Collection: Camara Gueye

Camara Gueye (1968) lives and works in Dakar in the popular district of Pikine, an area very present in his paintings.

Camara Gueye’s work is directly inspired by city life. Young people, bars and working-class neighbourhoods all dominate his work. Through his work he wishes to ‘illuminate all that is dark in life… I tell about all the ills of society, so I am a storyteller, a street poet who lives only on his art.’ He most often works in large format with imposing compositions.

He attended the National School of Fine Arts in Dakar in 1997 but has exhibited nationally since 1993 and internationally since 2000.

2 products
  • Camara Gueye - Untitled
    Camara Gueye - Untitled
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  • Camara Gueye - Untitled
    Camara Gueye - Untitled
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